
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Coup de coeur de la semaine

Hello members of PAPM and lovers of photography,

Here we are again getting ready to announce you the new Coup de Coeur of admins and officers on PAPM. We all had a tough moment deciding which picture to choose but in the end, our great likes for flowers and love stories won over all the other pictures. This week, we chose not one picture for Coup de Coeur, but three pictures. We have that of the bokeh lover, Mo Pena Nom, the micros expert, Bu Rt and last but not the least, the wedding photographer, Doorgesh Mungur.

Doorgesh Mungur's picture of this lovely couple praying and holding a light conquered our hearts. Its atmosphere filled with love, warmth and intimacy convinced us that it should be among the Coup de Coeur of the PAPM's blog. The other pictures from that couple series are also worth the attention !

He may bear no name, but his pictures bear his watermark, a watermark not made with ink, but with bokehs ! Poetic, this image of Mo Pena Nom is imprinted with such a delicacy and a sense of aesthetics that it simply melts our hearts.

One day, you could run into Bu Rt at the Champ-de-Mars photographing horses with that passion we know him to harbor. But on days when he feels like looking for the intricate outlines in nature, this "Little Buddha" is the type of pictures you will see him doing. And for doing this so well, he deserves to be our Coup de Coeur too. That is teaching some good macro lesson !

Congratulations to you !

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