
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Picture of the week - Bu Rt & Naash Dookhy

After a little hiatus of two weeks, we're back with more sensational pictures from our PAPMers. For this week, we had a difficult time deciding who would be selected for the Picture of the Week. We finally chose two photos ex-aequo, that meant great work and a beautiful accomplishment. 
The names of the photographers are :

Bu Rt

Naash Dookhy

Well done to you, guys. Keep it up !

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Coup de Coeur de la semaine.

Each week, there are so many photographers who add their pictures 
on our Facebook page and it is such a delight for the eye to look at them. 
After selecting the picture of the week, we now move on to the Coup de 
Coeur. There were beautiful pictures who appealed to our emotions 
and we had a tie again. 
So we decided again to publish ex-aequo the pictures of two amazing photographers of PAPM. 
They are :

Tony Cla Photographe

Zaheer Allam

Congratulations to both of you !